Utility Account Management

There are convenient forms you can submit online; if you are opening a new utility account, closing an existing utility account, or submitting a water meter reading. If you require account changes to your current utility account (phone number, email, mailing address change, name change, etc.) Please complete the forms provided on this page and we will contact you if we require any further information. Please note the forms may ask for additional information based on the answers provided.

Moving In/Out of Selkirk

If you are moving in or out of the City of Selkirk please fill out our move in/out form so that we can open or close your utility account (water and/or wastewater services provided by the City).

Please Note: The water meter is located inside the residence (basement / crawl space), outside meters are no longer used.

Please see the Utility Account FAQ section for more important information when selling, purchasing or renting property.

Account Changes

If you need to make changes to your utility account information please complete and submit the utility account change form. Please note this form will ask for additional information based on the answers provided.

In some cases we may require proof of identification before changes can be made.

You can always contact us by creating a CitizenSupport request if you have any questions.

Refund or Transfer Overpayment of Utility Account

If you have overpaid your utility account you can request your credit balance refund to be returned back to you or transferred to your property tax account or another utility account. Please fill out and sign our Refund or Transfer Overpayment of Utility Account Form. Refund cheques are issued within two weeks of receipt of the signed form and mailed to the address provided. If you require confirmation of your credit balance please contact CitizenSupport. You can also leave the credit balance on your utility account to go towards your next quarterly bill.

Submit Your Meter Reading

If you would like to submit your water meter reading without making utility account changes. Please use the form below.

Information for Lawyers

Transfer of Ownership

When representing a seller (vendor), lawyers should:

  • Fill out the Moving Form (see above) and submit it to our office to final utility account.
  • Ensure the City receives a final water meter reading from the seller or request a drive by water meter reading on the date of possession. Final utility bills are issued within two weeks of the date of possession.

When representing a buyer (purchaser), lawyers should:

  • Fill out the Moving Form (see above) and submit it to our office to final utility account.
  • Ensure the City receives the new owner information.
  • Ensure the City is provided with the first initial water meter reading or book a drive by reading.

Lawyers that represent either/both parties can contact the City of Selkirk Utility Clerk directly during regular business hours. To obtain additional information about the vendor’s account we will respond to the following questions if a tax certificate has been ordered:

  • Is the vendor’s account finalized?
  • Is the final water bill based on an actual water meter reading?
  • What was the final water meter reading?
  • Is the vendor’s final water bill paid in full?
  • Can I receive a copy of the final water bill to submit payment?