Frequently Asked Questions about Selkirk Park Pool & Splash Pad
Looking for swim lessons specific questions, we have an FAQ page for that! Selkirk Park Pool Swim Lessons Frequently Asked Questions.
Q1: Are there lockers, changerooms and showers at the pool?
At this time we have bathrooms, changerooms and showers. However, we do not have any public lockers; therefore, we encourage you to leave items you do not need at home or in your vehicle.
Q2: Am I allowed to take videos, picture, post to social media, etc while at the pool?
You may take photos and/or videos while at our facility; however, we ask that you ensure no other swimmers/persons are in the photo or video. This is to ensure the privacy of others that may be at the pool. In some circumstances, staff may ask you not to take photos/video All pool staff have the right ask you to stop or delete any photos/videos.
If you do post a photo to social media of you enjoying your time at the pool, be sure to also tag the City of Selkirk!
Q3: Do we have to pay to use the Splash Pad?
Our Splash Pad is located inside our fenced area. If you are not a resident of the City of Selkirk, you will need to pay to enter. This grants you access to both the pool and splash pad areas. All residents of the City of Selkirk have free entry to the facility.
Q4: Are we allowed floaties in the pool?
We do not allow large flotation devices or loungers; however, we do allow small flotations for infants and small children, as well as lifejackets.
Q5: Can I bring food and drinks in the facility?
Yes, you can bring food and drinks to the beach area, but we prohibit them in the pool and on the splash pad. We do not permit grills, BBQs, or similar food-prep appliances within the facility.
Q6: Are pets allowed in the facility?
We only permit designated service animals. Therefore, we do not allow pets in the facility and do not allow animals in the water.
Q7: Are there swimming lessons?
Yes! We are offering swimming lessons throughout the summer. You can register for these lessons by visiting: Swimming Lessons.
Q8: What is the pool capacity?
The public health act requires a ratio of 30 patrons per 1 lifeguard.
Q9: Is entrance to the pool free on Canada day?
Yes, entrance is free on Canada Day.
Q10: Can we drink water from the bathroom sinks?
Yes, we have the water in the bathroom sinks treated by City water and is safe to drink.
Q12: Does the pool provide swimming diapers when they are required to be worn?
No, we do not stock swimming diapers. Please come prepared with a swimming diaper for those not potty-trained.
Q13: If I forget my swimsuit, can I swim in my clothes?
No, we require that visitors wear suitable swim attire in the water. Street clothes (especially cotton) can transport airborne and ultimately water borne contaminants into the pool. Lycra and Nylon are the best non-absorbent material for swimming and are the best fabrics for proper swim attire. Attire should be form fitting to avoid risk of going over a swimmers head while swimming.
Q14: Can I leave the facility to smoke/get lunch/etc.?
Yes, you can leave and re-enter without paying again. However, re-entry follows a first-come, first-serve policy, so if we reach capacity, you may have to wait until we can safely accommodate you and your party.
Q15: Can I use the washrooms/showers if I am not swimming?
No, our facilities are only for pool users or those in swimming lessons. However, there are several restroom facilities throughout Selkirk Park that are free and open to all for use.
Q16: How often is the pool cleaned?
The pool is constantly recirculating. We automatically treat the water through the recirculation process and perform manual treatments when necessary.
Q17: Is the pool chlorinated?
Yes, we chlorinate the pool.
Q18: Is the splashpad separate from the pool?
The splashpad is located within the fenced area of the pool.
Q19: Is there an age limit for the splash pad?
There is no age limit to use the splashpad. Please ensure continuous supervision of children at all times.
Q20: Are there chairs at the pool?
No, we do not provide chairs at the pool; therefore, we encourage visitors to bring a beach blanket or lawn chairs.
Located inside Selkirk Park at 486 Eveline Street, Selkirk, MB R1A 1E6