The Mayor of the City of Selkirk is elected-at-large by the residents and property owners of the City of Selkirk and is the head of council. The general responsibilities of Mayor as defined by the Municipal Act of Manitoba are:
- to preside when in attendance at a council meeting, except where the city’s procedures by-law or an Act of the Manitoba Legislature otherwise provides
- to provide leadership and direction to the council
- to perform any other duty or function assigned to a head of council by the council or any Act of the Manitoba Legislature
Mayor Larry Johannson

The current Mayor Larry Johannson was first elected in 2010 after serving one term as a Councillor and was re-elected in 2014, 2018 and again in 2022.
Welcome to the City of Selkirk and to our website. It is our hope, that through the pages of our site, you will have an opportunity to learn about our community.
We are very proud of our City and we are pleased that you have come to visit. It is our plan to expand this website in the future. Like all websites, ours is continually changing and evolving.
We would be very pleased to hear from you as your suggestions and ideas are vital to the continuing development of the site. After you have visited our website, I invite you to come and visit us in person. We would be very pleased to see you.
Mayor Larry Johannson
If you would like to learn more about your city government you can visit the following pages:
- City Council
- See the members of Council for the City of Selkirk.
- Council and Committee Minutes
- View the meeting minutes and agendas for Council and Committee meetings.
- Committees and Boards
- View the members and more information about the various committees the Mayor and Council are members of.