You can now obtain a dog license from the City online!
All dog owners must license their dogs over four months old in the City of Selkirk. The city offers these licenses for free to city residents and owners should renew them every year. These licenses come with many benefits!
- Gain access to the Selkirk Dog Park.
- Enjoy peace of mind knowing your dog will return to you quickly and safely.
- Save on costs; facing a fine is possible if someone finds your animal without a license.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do cats require a license?
Cats within the City of Selkirk do not require a license. However, according to the Responsible Pet Owner By-Law 5358, cat owners must ensure their cats have a current rabies vaccination.
What if a change of ownership occurs?
If a dog’s ownership changes within the license year, the new owner must transfer the current license to their name. To transfer the ownership of a dog, please contact CitizenSupport.
Dog owners may apply for a dog license at any point throughout the year. It is mandatory to renew these licenses annually. You can register online or in person at the Civic Office from Monday to Friday, between 10AM and 4PM. Current proof of rabies vaccination is required.
Does my dog need to wear its tag?
Owners must ensure their dogs wear a valid license tag when off their property. The owner must secure the dog’s license tag to a collar around the dog’s neck. Owners who fail to obtain, renew, or properly secure their dog’s license tag commit an offence under this By-Law.
What if I lose the tag?
Should an owner lose or damage their tag, they should reach out to CitizenSupport to have a new tag mailed to them or prepared for collection at the Civic Office.
If I complete the online application, how will I get my dog tag?
We will mail the dog tag and license confirmation to the address listed on your application. If you wish to pick the license tag up from the Civic Office instead of having it mailed, please contact CitizenSupport.
Dog License Application
Complete the license application or renewal below to obtain a dog license.
For assistance, please call CitizenSupport at 204-785-4900, or reach out to Selkirk Veterinary Services or Selkirk Animal Hospital, which Selkirk Council has designated as an eligible supplier of licenses within the City.
Please have the following information on hand before you call:
- Your name, address and phone number
- Your pets name, date of birth, sex, spay/neuter info, breed description, dominant, second and third colour (if applicable), tattoo number and location, medication info, and current vet clinic.
- You must provide proof of current rabies vaccination.
Licenses are valid from January 1st through December 31st each year and are FREE.